Yesterday night, the time would have been around 10 30 pm. I was adding a couple of finishing touches to my intern report which I had to submit the next day. That's when it happened. Comp crashes, I restart it, try to recover the file, find it has been encoded into some top-secret alien code and when I open it with wordpad, what I get is mere incoherent gibberish. Now I start pacing around the house. That was my two days' worth of hard, hard work. What I needed then was a shot of scotch or atleast something Gaurav "Bolt" Shashittal could conjure up for me. But, "lucky" me, all I could lay my hands on was a jar full of groundnuts.
Yeah, time to execute the contingency plan. After several failed attempts to open the now-corrupt file, I set out on the arduous task of recreating the magic- I mean my report. So after four hours of hard labour, I had finished what I had set out to do. After a couple of curses under my breath, I turned in. Surprisingly, it was a night of more than four rather vivid dreams. Maybe God wanted to set things right with some exhilarating phantasmic experiences.
I woke up at 1 30 pm, found I had 5 missed calls and one of them was from the Americas, Canada I guessed. Then, within the next one hour I got news which left me with a cheshire cat smile and an extra post to my blog. A bunch of my dearest of friends had got into the finals of the NYC B-plan contest. Cheers bros! I actually felt happy...maybe the universe does have a way of evening things out. So let me call it CC- Cosmic Correction.
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