Friday, September 5, 2008

The One on "Thoran", "Dalai Lama", "Kokkarakko" and a historic Night Out

I write this post with bleary eyes and Metallica's "Black" playing in full volume. The people who know me the best would be wondering why I who is known to detest loud noises am listening to "Metallica". The answer lies within the annals of this post.

At times it is fascinating to see and actually experience the transformation one well utilized night out can bring about to a person. It all started when three notable memebers of the mallu gang decided to form a band in tribute to the most influential mallu rock bands of our times- "Avial". Call it lame or even "trippy", but we decided to name our own band "Thoran" (Mallus, I hope u can connect. Others can use it as a tricky quiz question).

What followed were engrossing discussions about the names of our first song and our debut album. It culminated in yesterday's night out where we could compose the basic theme of our song and a few lines of lyrics. (The names of the song and the album have been held back as we would not like to spoil the surprise element. But all Mallu's with an IQ higher than that of Joey Tribbiani's would have guessed it by now from the title of the post).

There might be quite a few of you wondering where the Dalai Lama reference comes from. Lets say certain core members of "Thoran" were inspired by a particular rendition on the Lama by a group of German blokes. The resemblance is uncanny, but then our's is a whole new breed of music.

So why has this night out had a profound effect on my music sense? The answer lies in the high decibel levels and the reverberation Kutty's speakers have been able to produce all through the night. Imagine listening to the same song umpteen number of times in the same night from a speaker which can be heard from a kilometre away (Yeah I did that!!!). This one night changed me more than any other night has ever done. At this juncture I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the co-founding members of "Thoran" for giving me a totally new perspective on contemporary rock music. (Yeah, nicest try).

Let me take this opportunity to introduce the esteemed members of "Thoran"- "Genpack" Kutty, Panicker, "Snake" Shyam, "The Mikemaster" Shekhar and of course myself. So as Farhan Akthar would say "Rock on"!!!!!


Harishanker said...

Don't worry we'll hit platinum..

Leela said...

PS: That lama song is just totally awesome!

sankarankuttyg said...

Get a life dude!!